Chameleon antennas are tactical antennas and very high standard build antennas. Are they the best antennas to make DX or give they the most signal or efficiency. NO but when u search for an antenna in small places in places where antennas or not liked or allowed and you want to work multiband it’s one of the best solutions. I use it when we come to places where we not have to much space next our camper and when i have little time to put up a an antenna.

Chameleon antenna’s are so solid build and real good looking ( the last motivation is for me not a selling point but always good that it’s so) . And specially my attention pulled to the TDL. it’s a set of 2 antenna’s with NVIS and DX capacity’s(not the ultimated but dx is possible) . So thats great to have as a portable solution. i thought about it for months.
The reason is the price. Even it’s so good build it’s maybe worth the investment.
i now it’s not the magic antenna they don’t exist. My home brew antenna’s w”ll perform the same . and there are better working antenna’s. But the speed and the build , the different solutions which you can make as antenna’s make it a Antenna package which is great to have.
1/4 wave for 20/10 meter vertical
80/40 Delta for NVIS
and so on.

Now we wait t’ll the TDL arrive. Can’t wait.

Finally arrived. Now testing

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