The garden with the antenna. 23 meter endfed placed as inverted L A week some free time in december. We booked a holiday home to relax a bit from a very busy year. Big plans to test the new antennas
Life of a hamradio operator
Life of a hamradio operator
The garden with the antenna. 23 meter endfed placed as inverted L A week some free time in december. We booked a holiday home to relax a bit from a very busy year. Big plans to test the new antennas
Lees meerAs a portable operator i have a set of antennas i like to use. Just arrived a update in the equipment
Lees meer2 250 grams throw bags to day recieved. When we want have the dipole high in the three. We throw this bag with a line over a branch of the three. Ideal i hope.
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