Hi , thanks for checking my web page.
We live in the north western part of the Netherlands. A small town called de Rijp.
It’s about 40 km north west of Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands.
My name is Willem van Eijsden. I was born 19-11-1968 In Rotterdam. I’ve had my Ham Licence since April 2000 with my old call PD2RYP and later we renewed it to PD5WVE. Now of course we live in De Rijp. I mostly like the portable work during holidays. Also a lot qrv on 40mtr mobile and at home. My working conditions at home are a Yaesu FTDX-10 and a Flexradio 6400ATU with a Inverted V 20 and 40 meter band , 10 meter 4 element beam of Innovantenes and an Endfet 40-10 mter band. On the holidays I use several home made antenna’s, magnetic loop antennes and vertical and dipoles. Mostly we look what kind of antenna we must make. For the portable work we use an YAESU FTDX-10 for HF and a IC-7100 for HF and144mhz 70cm ssb in the mobile home.For QRP we have a Flexradio 1500 and a Icom IC-705 for outdoors activity .We also do 2 meter SSB Portable with a 2 and 3 element Quad-Yagis from Innovantennas. You can visit our hompage here: http://www.pd5wve.nl . Also QRV on 2 SSB and 70cm Analog and DSTAR , DMR (PD5WVE 2041129).